Hi, this is Hama. How are you all doing?
I'm fine, but I have been home so much, so I don't have anything to blog about.
The number of people infected with corona has recently exceeded 20000. What the hell was going on when government issued a state of emergency after only about 200 patients, what is the difference between Priority measures to prevent the spread and a state of emergency. Days go by like this, and my senior year without going to college will finish in about six months.
Thinking about tuition fees and the future makes me feel very sad, so I'd like to introduce my recent cooking!!!
新たなコロナ感染者数が近頃では二万人を超え、二百人ほどで緊急事態宣言を発出していた時期は一体何だったのか、今まで何を対策してきたのか、蔓延防止等重点措置と緊急事態宣言の差は何なのか、途方に暮れる日々です。こんな調子で日も経ち、大学に行かない4年生もあと半年ほどで終わりを迎える事になりそうですね。( ´∀` )
It is a Portuguese dish. Cheese, bread, fried potatoes, eggs... Some people may think, "I can't eat such a calorie monster”, but I recommend this dish. The slightly sour sauce made with beer and white wine goes well with the beef, sausage, and tomatoes. It’s relatively easy to make, so please try to cook it!
This’s an Indonesian dish. It is a really delicious dish of large beef braised in coconut for a long time, so the meat is tender! It is spicy with chili powder and spices such as cardamom and cinnamon. It is a great side dish for rice!!
There’re many really delicious dishes in Indonesia, such as nasi goreng. I would like to go to Indonesia and try it.
I hope you take care of yourselves and create great days.