Hi, This is Masayuki.
My hobby is skateboarding and I have practiced it for about two years. I started skateboarding when my superior at my workplace recommended it. At first, I practiced it at the park near my house. I have been playing it at some parks lately. In addition, I often go to an indoor skate park because the snow piles up in Hokkaido in winter. I became a member of some indoor skate park. This time, I would like to introduce parks and shops for skateboarding in Hokkaido.
Address: 2-2 1-chome 1-jo Teinehoncho, Teine-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido
Tel: 011-681-4345
Close: Thursday
Open: 13:00 close:20:00
You can follow their Instagram account to check the information on this store.
住所 北海道札幌市手稲区手稲本庁1条1丁目2-2
Tel 011-681-4345
定休日 木曜日
open 13:00 close 20:00
I am very grateful for this shop. It sells skateboard goods, snowboard goods, and clothes. The shop manager and regular customers of this shop are very friendly, so you can feel at home. I recommend this shop to people who want to play skateboarding seriously. This shop has a bowl in the ground, and you can play skateboarding for 200 yen per hour. There aren’t many bowls in Hokkaido. You can make friends who play skateboarding there, so you can enjoy it. The shop is cool and always plays music so there is a good atmosphere.
The image of the underground.

I would like to introduce goods which I bought at this shop.
These decks’ brand is EVISEN and SCIENCE. They have a very nice design, so I bought them.
Next, I would like to introduce 6underground.

Address:Takadaistore-building B-to 2-9 14-chome 6-jo Hiragishi Toyohira-ku Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido
Close: Thursday
Tel: Open: 11:00 close: 25:00
住所 北海道札幌市豊平区平岸6条14丁目2-9高台ストアービルB棟
open 11:00 close 25:00
This park opened on November 23 in 2020. This park has a lamp, a bowl, and a flat. In addition, this store in this park deals with skateboarding goods, mountain bikes, BMXs, SUP, and outdoor goods. Furthermore, there is a bar in this shop, and you can enjoy drinking. This store has a very nice atmosphere, so you have to go there.
This time, I have introduced only skateboarding stores. However, I would like to introduce various places from now on, so I hope you'll look forward to the next time.