In this post, I would like to introduce my favorite culture and tradition of Japan.
I have been to the Kansai region where my father was born once a year since I was a child.
My father has been interested in the cultural and historical spots of Japan, so I have been to Kyoto and Nara with him.
With the influence of my father, I have been interested in Japanese culture too, and I have visited most historical buildings in Kyoto and Nara.

Especially, I became interested in statues of the Buddhas during the course of visiting the historical buildings. Statues of the Buddhas have various meanings. For example, you can know the trends and troubles of each era by observing them.
Facial expressions, shapes of the body, and items held in hands also have various meanings.
This time, I would like to introduce my favorite statue of the Buddha.
"Basara Daisho"

This is a picture of one of the figures in my collection of Buddha statues.
This statue of Buddha is located in Shin-Yakushiji Temple in Nara, which is designated as a national treasure. In addition, this statue is considered the greatest of all.
It is one of the twelve protective gods, or Junishinsho, and is located around the statue of Seated Yakushi Nyorai as an escort. Basara Daisho is one of the Junishinsho. Each of the Junishinsho means a Japanese Zodiac and Basara Daisho is in charge of dogs.
It is said that this statue is a masterpiece of the Tenpyo culture of the 8th century. You might feel you can actually hear his angry voice because its expression is so easy to read.
Shin-Yakushiji Temple
1352, Fukui, Takahata-cho, Nara-shi, Nara, 630-8301, Japan
open: 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Open all year round
〒630-8301 奈良県奈良市高畑町福井1352
拝観時間: 午前9時〜午後5時
休業日: なし

There are a lot of good works, so I recommend you visit the Kansai region to see statues of Buddha. You can feel refreshed and reach new heights.