Hi, this is Ichiha. I’ll introduce my cute pets.
I have one dog and one cat in my family.
First of all, I’ll introduce my dog. His name is Leaf. I'm his Godparent. The breed of dog is called Kai, which is designated as a national natural treasure. The black hair is really cool
まずは犬の紹介をします。名前はリーフです。私が名付け親です! 犬種は甲斐犬といって日本の天然記念物にも指定されている犬種です。黒い毛がすごくかっこいいです。

Next, I'll introduce my cat. My brother named him Mugi, which means wheat in English. I saved this stray cat in my garden two years ago. He got this name because the color of the hair was like wheat. He is a very sweet boy.

Have you watched videos of cats and dogs getting along with each other on the Internet?
I hope my pets get along with each other like those videos, but they are always fighting. They play tag in the house every day.
This photo shows that they are getting along with each other, which is unusual.

I hope they will take a nap together someday.